YS Kicking and Cultivating Habits
{A Time for New Beginnings}
Springtime is synonymous with rejuvenation, renewal and regrowth as we start to welcome the warmer weather, longer days and new life. This surely makes it the best time to kick those bad habits aside and start cultivating some good ones. We often see change as a painful, daunting, stressful and uncomfortable task. One study went as far as to show that the brain actually associates change as pain, but spring should serve as a lovely reminder of how beautiful true change can be.
When it comes to skin care we are probably all creatures of habit, whether you have a step-for-step routine or no routine at all, we all tend to follow the same process day in and day out. These habits might not be all bad, but it never hurts to start cultivating some new habits that we believe, might just change your entire day altogether.
At Yungskin we aim to guide you to cultivate some good skin care habits. As we head into a new season we have a few suggestions that will help you.
We encourage you to:
1) Set a date to exfoliate
2) Not wait to hydrate
3) Say goodbye to the old
4) Apply sun screen with a high SPF
The changing of the season is an opportune time to start exfoliating your skin. This aids in the elimination of dead skin cells that often result in that dull winter complexion (fortunately for you, the YungskinTM Exfoliator launches later this month). Hydration during the warmer months is crucial – drink lots of filtered water and consider applying a light skin moisturiser during daytime to allow your skin to breathe, in which case Yungskin™ Day Face Cream is the ideal solution.
We often default to hoarding various skin care products – don’t fall into this trap! Use this time to ‘spring clean’ and get rid of all those unused and expired products.
Lastly, spring is the time to start getting familiar with your SPF (Sun Protection Factor). A good sun care product protects your skin against both the effects of UVA/UVB and environmental factors (pollution, free radicals, office/shop enviro) – regular daily application of a proper sun screen product cannot be stressed enough! More about this in our next Newsletter.
We encourage you to embrace the changes that might be ahead as you start kicking and cultivating habits that will holistically help put a “spring” in your step.
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